Organizing Committee
Prof. Aysel (TURGUT) VANLI, Gazi University
Prof. Mustafa ÖZKAN, Gazi University
Asst. Prof. Emre SEVGİ, Gazi University
Res. Asst. Anıl ALTINKAYA, Gazi University
Res. Asst. Neslihan YILDIRIM, Gazi University
Res. Asst. Güler Başak ÖZNUR, Gazi University
Prof. Musa YILDIZ, Rector of Gazi University
Prof. Suat KIYAK, Dean of Science Faculty, Gazi University
Prof. H. Hilmi HACISALİHOĞLU, Ankara University
Scientific Committee
Prof. Bang-Yen CHEN, Michigan State University, USA
Prof. Ryszard DESZCZ, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wrocław, Poland
Prof. Luis M. FERNÁNDEZ, University of Sevilla, Spain
Prof. Graham HALL , Aberdeen University, UK
Prof. Domenico PERRONE Università del Salento, Italy
Prof. Ljubica S. VELIMIROVIC, University of Nis, Serbia
Prof. H. Hilmi HACISALİHOĞLU (Prof. Erdogan ESIN's master's and doctoral thesis advisor), Ankara University
Prof. Aysel TURGUT VANLI (Prof. Erdogan ESIN's MSc student), Gazi University
Prof. Mustafa ÖZKAN (Prof. Erdogan ESIN's MSc and PhD student), Gazi University
Assoc. Prof. Hülya KADIOĞLU (Prof. Erdogan ESIN's MSc and PhD student), Yıldız Technical University
Send us your opinions, requests and evaluations.